Make a difference by supporting the development of socio-environmental projects and achieving your sustainable commitments
The Carbon Fair platform aims to connect companies and their socio-environmental commitments with projects that promote measurable, effective, and transparent environmental and social benefits.nnMany entrepreneurs and companies with Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) cannot make their projects viable due to lack of financial resources and competitive difficulty. The carbon credit mechanism and the Carbon Fair Standard aim to support these initiatives, adding them to social and environmental benefits of the region, and valuing research and transparency.nnWe seek partners and supporters engaged with sustainability and willing to promote development not only in their operations and products but also to promote development throughout society.
Companies can support the Carbon Fair platform in the following ways:
Join the Platform and commit to offsetting your emissions with Carbon Fair Standard (CFS) projects
Join the Platform and commit to offsetting your emissions with Carbon Fair Standard (CFS) projects
Join the Platform and commit to offsetting your emissions with Carbon Fair Standard (CFS) projects
What are Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) projects?
The concept of nature-based solutions incorporates new ways of approaching socio-ecological adaptation and resilience, maintaining social, environmental, and economic domains. NBS was clearly described for the first time in the final report of the Horizon 2020 Expert Group (EC, 2015). The European Commission defines NBS as solutions that are 'inspired and supported by nature, which are cost-effective, provide simultaneous environmental, social, and economic benefits, and help build resilience.nnThese solutions bring diversified resources, natural processes, and solutions to cities, landscapes, and marine life, through locally adapted interventions and resource use efficiency.' ( The application of NBS is the inclusion of natural system processes in human environments to achieve relevant results in the form of ecosystem services. For example, a well-managed forest can provide various ecosystem services.nnThe services provided by a forest can include wood, fuel, fiber, and/or food. Climate regulation is an example of a regulatory service provided by forests due to evapotranspiration and shading of land surfaces (cooling) and the removal and fixation of atmospheric CO2 in tree biomass. Tree leaves and roots can also intercept and reduce rain runoff and reduce the impact of floods (flood regulation), creating a natural buffer.nnThe cultural services provided by natural areas are increasingly recognized, including benefits such as increased mental well-being, increased recreational value, educational opportunities, new niches for work in nature-based enterprises, or less tangible aesthetic and spiritual benefits.
What are the criteria of the Carbon Fair Standard (CFS)?
For a project to meet the CFS standard, in addition to undergoing certification and verification processes, using proven measurement methodology, projects must meet the following minimum requirements:nnEffective reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions and additionality, when compared to local requirements and market practicennSignificant, measurable, and replicable social and environmental impactsnnBenefits aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)nnContract and commitment to market and make available carbon credits and emission reductions only in Carbon Fair Trade (CFT). The environmental project may withdraw its available carbon credits from the CFT, but with prior notice and restricted to available credits. Credits already traded and/or offset cannot be used anymore. Request more information about policies to avoid double counting of issued credits.